The combination of summer heat and a strange condition that has the winds aloft decreasing with altitude caused me to plan an earlier than normal departure. By leaving Midland at 5:00 AM rather than an my usual 6:00 AM I would have an extra hour to enjoy the very strong low level tail winds, before the temperature drove me to a higher altitude. |
The parking business was pretty slow Saturday and my mid afternoon I had the opportunity to do what I like best, visit with my friends. Best of all I got to have a long visit with Elizabeth Cummings, chaperoned by her mom and dad, Judy and Mathew. It is so much fun to watch the kids grow up and Elizabeth is doing just that at 2 ½ years. Saturday afternoon Royson took Kirk Wennerstrom up to 3000' AGL in the "Silverlining". Before the assembled fly in Kirk then proceeded to jump out of the airplane and fall for what seemed forever before opening his parachute. Kirk made a light as a feather landing at his selected target point. The crowd of spectators roared its' appreciation and admiration. |
The banquet Saturday evening was the very best ever. Never mind that we were not in some fancy air-conditioned venue but rather in the big hanger, we are flyers and a hanger is our natural habitat. The food was good the games were fun, the awards were appreciated and Ed Pataky did a super job as MC. Lori toughed everyone's heart with her monolog and Royson did his usual super job of moving things along and keeping the festivities light. |
The real stunner for me came when Royson announced the Member of the Year award; Wayne Westerman. I was sure that I was hallucinating and had not heard correctly. However, Royson persisted and I went up to accept the award. I was really surprised, dumfounded and grateful. |
And Robbie was not through, no sir not by a long shot. He treated us all to a very professionally produced and edited "movie" of the whole Clinton event. I was simply amazed at the quality and timeliness of the presentation. There were clips that had been shot only a couple of hour earlier. I can't wait to get a copy. |