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  • What I did on my Summer Vacation: Stories from Clinton 2005 Ed Pataky

by Ed Pataky

Well, here it is, two whole weeks since the TWENTY-OH-FIVE fly-in. Where, oh where did the time go? I've been rehashing the seven days that I had flying up with Dale, having a blast of a lifetime, and flying back to Texas with Gary. What a bunch 'o' memories! Just like Dave said on the radio and under Mary Lou's wing at Party Central, we were Livin' The Dream! Sleeping out under the stars, throwin' the tennis ball with Blue, playin' the axe till the wee hours with great people (thank you Gary <-----this guy is GOOD!, Dana <------so is he, and Steve <-----we need to get a set together!!!), and the audience - Dave M, Jeff, Bryan, Lori, Erin, Sara, Harry, Sandi, and everyone else within earshot!

Early evening and dusk formations and low passes, contest flying with Dana as Bombardier, judging landings and carrying the American flag as the official target for the Nerfs!

The sweet taste of cold water just pulled out of an ice-filled bucket, the satisfaction of a yet another great meal with new-found friends. Introductions with people who post on the site - being able to meet them face to face and shake their hand - too many to name, so not to leave out anyone, I'll just include everyone that attended!!! (How's THAT for coverin' yerself, eh? ) The inner satisfaction and accomplishment of successfully and safely completing a literal cross-COUNTRY - across the center of the nation. How many people can say they have done that in an airplane? Then being greeted at night with a handshake from Royson, Joel, Gordon, and Dan, a hug from Lori, and a picture seconds after stepping on terra firma! Too many memories to list right now - my cup runneth over, by golly! I gotta write my memoirs! A lot has been written about this event, and even more, I'm sure, is to come. Actually, I'd be disappointed if it didn't! What a time! What a great bunch of people! What a trip! This is what makes it all worthwhile. Man, thanks to EVERYONE that was there in person or in spirit for makin' a memory for me that'll last a lifetime! July 20, 2006... We'll be there.

Ed Pataky
Houston, TX

The Cessna 150-152 Club and Cessna 150-152 Fly-In Foundation are 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. Chicago, Illinois

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