What I liked best about the fly-in was that everybody mixed rather well, not a lot of cliques that shut people out. People were just aware of other people, where they were from, their aviation thoughts as well as their personal sensitivities. As an example of this I temporarily lost my wallet overnight on the airport grounds and found myself without any cash for the evening and uncertain if I would be accepted at a motel without a credit card.
Well, Rich Stowell loaned me a twenty and one of the drivers offered me a room at his house if the motel would not let me check in. Couldn't ask for any more.
Secondly, this kind of affair offers the members an welcomed alternative in that one could be a participant if one wished, and not just a spectator. One could have been in the flying competition as well as a judge for the event.
Then there was the EMT sessions as well as the air to air photo shoot. Each was a rich experience in its own right.
Again, many thanks,
Wil Venske