The Clinton 2010 Fly-in will be held July 22-25, 2010 at CWI airport, in Clinton, Iowa.

Around that simple statement there is a world of Club history and excitement. In the ten year history of the Clinton Fly-in there have been many stories and life- long friendships formed, passionate journeys to and from Clinton, and fun galore at the fly-in itself. If you have been a Cessna 150-152 Club member for any length of time, there is little need to describe what goes on in Clinton, and why it is so important to our Club. If you are new to this Club, watching one of the Clinton DVD’s is probably the best introduction you could have. But as lifetime Club member Ron Stewart says on the 2006 DVD; “Participating in the Clinton fly-in is the greatest thing I’ve ever done with my airplane. If you’ve only followed the fly-in on the internet, or watched the DVD, all I can say is, being there is a thou- sand times better than any of that.”

There's got to be something more than just an interest in aviation and a small two-seat airplane that brings people together to a rural airport in the heart of middle America each year. You can call it a fly-in, but attendees will also describe this once-a-year event as family reunion, as proven by close to two hundred return attendees each year. For the past 10 years, pilots from all corners of the United States, Canada, and overseas make the annual pilgrimage to experience more family fun, flying and friendship than one could imagine. Participants range from those with only a passing interest in aviation, to seasoned professionals.

For four days, the airport in Clinton, Iowa (KCWI) is filled with the largest concentration of Cessna 150's and 152's you'll find anywhere. (Although other makes and models of aircraft are indeed welcome!) With something always happening - be it flying contests, seminars, impromptu aerial excursions to points of interest in the vicinity or around the pattern, to getting reacquainted with old (and new) friends... or just relaxing under and airplane wing on a warm summer day, the Cessna 150-152 Fly-In has something for everyone. There's nothing like it - anywhere. Some participants have logged several hundred hours and tens of thousands of miles both in the air and driving to attend every fly-in to date. There must be something that keeps them coming back each year.

What’s Happening in 2010?

Each year the Cessna 150-152 Fly-In has a number of events of interest to everybody. There are things to do and see that will make you wish you got there earlier and that the Fly-In would last just a little longer. The Fly-In may not officially start for several days, but each year more and more pilots show up earlier and earlier - some almost a week early - to help set up, relax, pick out their parking spots and get a head start on the Fly-In experience. Days are spent meeting and greeting the arrivals of other attendees, impromptu flying and relax- ing as only friends can do.

The Fly-In officially kicks off with a Thursday night early bird dinner. Come as you are, no dress-up neces- sary! Dinner can be anything from Chinese to Mexican to a German Wurstfest, but always with a heavy dose of conversation and laughs!

from the art of creating breathtaking aerial photos and video to aircraft engineering are ready to share their knowledge and expertise. Sometimes the unforeseen mechanical glitches - a broken alternator... a stuck valve... a stuck flap switch - have provided impromptu real-life hands-on demonstrations of not only how to repair these bumps in the airways, but also how to avoid them.

Clinton is a “Family Friendly” Fly-In

Friday night is the traditional Hawaiian Luau! Enjoy the atmosphere of a genuine Hawaiian Luau with all the fixin's . And don't forget to bring your loudest Hawaiian shirt!

But there's more than just food. This is, after all, a fly- in!

All day Friday and Saturday, there are flying contests designed to test your aviating skill. Ever wanted to see how close you can get an object dropped from low alti- tude to a set point? Want to try your skill at spot land- ing? Think you have the eyes of an eagle to come out on top in a scavenger hunt? Well, here's your chance to show the world what you've got!

Flying, Flying...and More Flying

 Wall to Wall C150-152’s

If you've got a curious bone in you to perhaps find out a bit more about something, there are seminars all day Friday and Saturday. All you have to do is show up, grab a seat and listen! Past topics have included landing gear maintenance, the lost art of hand propping, testing for alcohol in gasoline, spin recovery, and more! A number of experts in their respective fields ranging

Saturday night is the traditional capstone of the event - the Awards Banquet. This year the Banquet returns to the Frontier Hotel Ballroom.

Sunday marks the official end of the Fly-In with the tra- ditional pancake breakfast. Enjoy a few more hours with friends and fill up as participants depart to return home.

Don't forget the daily "Dusk Patrol", where pilots strap on their planes and have a relaxing and enjoyable way to end the day aloft. Or join the gang as they relax in the hangar or under an airplane wing in lawn chairs un- der the Iowa stars. You'll probably want to investigate where the music is coming from as a number of atten- dees are quite accomplished musicians.

If this isn't enough for you, there are a number of things to do away from the airport. Clinton is home to a ca- sino, offering exciting Vegas games and world-class dining and entertainment. Also the Clinton Historic District has many points of interest.

The Fly-In has been described as using airplanes as an excuse to get friends together. If you're new to the Fly- In, your stranger status ends the moment you step out of the airplane. For fly-in veterans, it's another eagerly anticipated family reunion.


Well, you're going to need a hand, so find a buddy to ride along with you. They don't have to be a pilot , this is after all, a team effort.

Spot Landing

The goal is to have any part of the airplane (preferably the landing gear!) touch down in an area known as Green Acres. Green Acres is an area extending across the runway in use, seventy-five feet long. A team of judges grades three landings on style and grace. How- ever, should the aircraft land long or short, the landing is a scratch and receives a score of zero. Highest score wins!

Nerf Drop

Imagine proving to the world that you're the best. Think you've got what it takes to be a Cessna 150-152 Top Gun? Well, here's your chance! An assortment of con- tests and games of skill lead the way to the crowning of "Top Gun", symbolized by the annual Clyde Award.

So what do you have to do to be the annual Top Gun?

Each aircraft has three Nerf Delivery Units. The pilot guides the aircraft to a point no lower than 200 feet AGL, where the Nerf Delivery Specialist releases the Nerf in an attempt to drop it in a barrel. Credit is given on a declining scale the farther away from the target the Nerf lands. Highest score wins!

Scavenger Hunt


The scavenger hunt is a true test of aviating teamwork. The pilot flies and navigates while an observer is tasked with finding objects on the ground directed by a list of written clues. The object is to correctly identify as many objects as possible in the shortest amount of time. Upon arrival, the list is turned in and a list of bonus questions must be answered - relying only on memory. Flying skill, navigation, an eagle eye and the memory of an elephant are necessary to win this one!

The results from all three events are combined, and in- dividual awards in each event are presented to the pilot and passenger. The pilot with the highest combined score is crowned TOP GUN!

Everyone has a role in the contests! Non-pilots are as important as the pilot in attaining the coveted Top Gun. Even if you don't feel like flying, you can still partici- pate in the contests as a judge or cheer on your favorite team!


Attendees have a choice of free camping at the airport or a hotel room. Fly-In veterans all agree the camping option is the most fun and convenient to spur-of-the- moment flying, food, sing-alongs, games and fun. Plus the price is right! Get there early to pick the best park- ing spot! Hot showers and the air-conditioned terminal building is available 24/7 and van service is provided for trips into town and to and from hotels. A list of ho- tels is available with special rates for fly-in folks for those who choose to stay in town. As the Air Force types would say, "Why dig in when you can check in?"

Food is available, provided by the Clinton Aero Club and hotel catering. Water is provided free, soft drinks at a nominal charge and any adult beverages are BYOB. Whether you camp or hotel you're guaranteed to have a great time!

Frequently asked questions:

Who's invited? Anyone who is interested in the Cessna 150 or 152. Owning a plane is not required to attend the Fly-In.

How can I register to attend?

You can register online 24/7 on the Fly-In Foundation web site

Is membership in the Cessna 150-152 Club required to attend the Fly-In?

No, membership in the Cessna 150-152 Club is not re- quired. The fly-in welcomes everyone (even pilots of other models and brands of airplanes!)

What's the cost?

Registration fees are $35 per airplane and $35 per per- son. Registration fees include aircraft tie-down, camp- ing on the airport, all Club events (except the Banquet), contests and seminars, and transportation to and from town. Meals and hotel lodging are not included. Tickets for the Saturday night Awards Banquet are $25 per per- son.

Where is Clinton, Iowa?

Clinton is in eastern Iowa, on the Mississippi, about 45 miles SE of Dubuque. Clinton Municipal Airport (KCWI) is about 5 miles west of town.

What kind of Hotel lodging is available in Clinton?


The Best Western Frontier is the official hotel for the 2010 Confab in the Corn. The fly-in has negotiated a block of discounted rooms. Mention the Cessna 150 Fly-In when reserving your room to get the discount.

2300 Lincoln Way (Intersection of Hwy 30 & 67)

563-242-7112 or 800-728-7112

One of Clinton's most popular lodges, with a restaurant, excellent rooms and customer service, and free conti- nental breakfast. Rooms are larger than average.

Wild Rose Hotel

777 Wild Rose Drive, Clinton, IA 52732 Reservations: 1-800-457-9975

Clinton’s newest hotel, The Wild Rose is located in the Wild Rose Casino, and is the closest hotel to the airport. There are 60 rooms in the Wild Rose, and a buffet restaurant. Breakfast at the buffet is included.


Country Inn & Suites

2300 Lincoln Way (Intersection of Hwy 30 & 67)

563- 244-9922

Next Door to the Frontier, multi story, a newer facility, with excellent amenities, including available high speed internet. Free continental breakfast.


Super 8 Motel

1711 Lincoln Way


An above average Super 8 Motel, Clean and modern

The Cessna 150-152 Club and Cessna 150-152 Fly-In Foundation are 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. Chicago, Illinois

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