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Airplane of the Month • December  2002

 N6566F 1966 Model: 150F Serial#: 15063166
1,634 of 3,000, 1966 150F's manufactured
5,165 of 21,404, 150's manufactured in the U.S.A.

The Story of N6566F From Owner Dave Odekirk:

N6566F 's first home was at a flight school somewhere in southwest Kansas.  In the late 1980's it found a home in East Troy, WI.  In 1993 the engine was overhauled, and the plane was repainted.  In 1994, a friend purchased it and brought it to UNU.  In 1999, he sold it to another friend, and in July 2000, I purchased it from him.  It is my first plane.  It has the EAA autogas STC, a PAI-700 vertical card compass, Narco AT150 xpdr with Mode C, Narco Mk12D "flip-flop" nav/com, Apollo Flybuddy panel mount GPS, and a Whelen strobe atop the vertical stabilizer.  Since buying it, I have installed a Real Gasket pushrod tube kit (to stop the oil drips!), and last year had Rex install a Hooker Harness 4 point shoulder harness and new carpeting.


I have learned how critical the fuel tank vents are and how easily the O-200 engine makes ice!  Although the 150 rides a little rough on windy days, it is a fun and economical plane to fly.  My longest trip in it so far was to Des Moines, IA. 


In December 2002 it had about 4,300 hours TTAF and 420 hours SMOH.

The Cessna 150-152 Club and Cessna 150-152 Fly-In Foundation are 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. Chicago, Illinois

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